Friday, November 5, 2010

Midterms and Beyond

Well, I managed to survive midterms. Well, it wasn't technically midterms, but it was a period of time (coinciding with midterms) where several papers/presentations/projects were due. I had my group presentation for my disability studies class, my article review, presentation, and review from a panel discussion for my curriculum class, and (fanfare, please) my final assignment, my big legal research paper for the ed law course I took an incomplete for last semester. I actually enjoyed writing it though at times the research was painful (it was difficult finding case law on my topic).

My attention can now be focused on my final teaching matters review, class readings, and final research papers. I've already started my research, as I have ideas of what I'm interested in researching for my classes. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do my curriculum paper on online pedagogy and my disability studies paper on disability studies in higher education curriculum. I thought there would just be too much overlap if I did something in disability studies and higher ed curriculum for both classes. Then there's my independent study. I've been pondering just doing a research paper on something I'm interested in related to technology and education but I've also been thinking of actually doing research based on a previous lit review.

I've been compiling data from a state DOE accountability site and just keep confusing myself with the data. What's important? What if what I thought was important wasn't? What if it doesn't mean anything? Can I use these numbers to help guide me to people/schools to interview? I've already dedicated a few hours to compiling the data. Hopefully I'll be able to make some sense of it.


  1. Yay! Does this mean you are finished with your law class now?

  2. Yes, it does! Huzzah!!! -Unless the prof wants me to do a presentation as well, which I'd be fine with.....
