Sunday, September 4, 2011

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Well, this summer I had my 5 minutes of fame playing the lead role in a production of the musical "Hairspray." I've always maintained that the thrill of theatre for me is not in doing the shows for the audience and feeling all that energy and applause, but rather, the rehearsal process where you're learning the music, thechoreography, memorizing lines, and trying to remember the staging. Yes, even in my extracurricular activities, I'm most satisfied when I'm giving mybrain a good workout.

I was somewhat concerned that after the show ended I would feel down, really miss the show, and want nothing more than to find any way possible to just do more shows and perform. I'm happy to report that this wasn't the case and I don't know if I've ever been so excited to return to classes, with my head always in a book, and surround myself by academics, coffee (which I gave up over the summer to keep my vocal cords hydrated) and libraries. It also confirmed for me that this is where I belong.

Farewell, summer!!!

Hello, fall!