It is true that having a schedule that is incredibly full sucks your time and your energy from you. However, it is also true that when your schedule is incredibly full, you manage your time more wisely and become even more (dare I say it?) energized. In class last night, Dr. M drew a bell curve on the board with "productivity" on the Y-axis and "commitments" on the X-axis - that there is a threshold (that is, of course, different for different people) to the amount commitments one can have and be at their peak with regards to productivity. (This was all in response to a discussion about busy students and the important lesson of learning how to say "no" to involvements.)
Anyhow, I met with my advisor, Dr. E, last week to discuss the past, present, and future over lunch - as we usually do during advising. She asked me how I was doing with my three classes and working full time. I told her that it's actually going quite well - I think these three classes, and where things are right now, I'm really at my peak. I am challenged, I am able to stay on top of my readings and papers, and I'm getting a decent amount of sleep, too. (No all-nighters yet, though I will admit to taking a day off from work to work on a paper.) I've even managed to watch a decent amount of tv. No, I don't spend a ton of time doing "fun" things over the weekend, but, to me is sitting in a cafe and reading and writing. (I'm not the stay out late and party hardy kind of gal, in case you haven't noticed.....) Anyhow, I really feel like I'm thriving. Yes, it would be better if I could squeeze in gym time and all, but overall, I'm really happy with where I am. I am also very aware that just one more thing could push me over (and then I'd be sliding down the other end of that bell bell curve.....)
But back to meeting with Dr E...It's always fun to talk to professors -particularly in their offices when you can peruse their bookshelves!- they're always busy, involved, and full of ideas. Due to my decision to go full time this semester, once this semester is over, I'm actually only 9 credits away from being done. Make that 6 credits and my "plan B." Actually, make that 3 credits, higher ed law or finance, and my "plan B." (By the way, can we change the name to something else? Isn't that the name of like...emergency contraception?)
So those extra three elective credits I need...well...I came up with this awesome idea. I realized that I'm interested in the following things: 1) teaching, 2) research, and 3) technology. This semester I've been doing research on online social networking, but wouldn't it be great to learn more about teaching and perhaps...get some experience doing some online teaching? I presented my idea to Dr E - I could take internship credit with her and be a TA for her online research methods course! That way I'd get some actual experience on the "other side" and will give me some direction and motivation for doing some research on online pedagogy. Dr. E thought it was a great idea. Yay! I'll keep thinking and we'll start meeting in December to discuss the class. =) So excited!
Books I read in October 2024
4 months ago